dorongan bahasa Inggris
- encouragement
- fomentation
- impulse
- incentive
- propulsion
- teleological
- hoist
- impetus
- push
- shove
- urge
- input
- impulsion
- stimulus
- need
- inducement
- support
- actuation
- induction
- exhortation
- pushing
- motive
- foreplay
- incitement
- boost
- stimulation
- pulsation
- spurring
- drive
- pulse
- trigger
- inspiration
- traction
- motivation
- prodding
- pulsing
- motivator
- stimulant
- driving mechanism
- urging
- spur
- goading
- arousal
- goad
- momentum
- prod
- itch
- stirring
- initiation
- drift
- dorongan budaya: cultural urge
- dorongan genetis: genetic drive
- dorongan hati: impulsion
- Baca juga: Berikutnya>
- And push! David Gallo says, "Push yourself.
dan dorongan! David Gello mangatakan, " dorong diri anda. - Fiber-optically connect the world to every eager impulse.
Serat optik menghubungkan dunia ke setiap dorongan hasrat. - I'm calling this one "the drive for five."
Aku memanggil ini salah satu "dorongan untuk lima." - When a change comes, some species feel the urge to migrate.
Ketikaperubahandatangbeberapaspesies merasakan dorongan untuk bermigrasi. - The drive to get into the rivers is strong.
Dorongan untuk masuk ke dalam sungai kuat.