feris bahasa Inggris
- The name may be related to a Hebrew term meaning "rural person."
Nama "Feris" mungkin terkait dengan istilah Ibrani yang berarti "orang pedesaan." - According to Trevor Bryce, "The Perizzites cannot be linked to any peoples or lands known from extra-biblical sources."
Menurut Trevor Bryce, "Orang Feris tidak dapat dihubungkan dengan suku bangsa atau negeri yang dikenal dari sumber-sumber di luar Alkitab." - The time during which Perizzites were most in conflict with the Israelites seems to be the time of Joshua into the early period of the Judges.
Puncak konflik orang Feris dengan Israel tampaknya terjadi pada zaman Yosua dan awal zaman Hakim-hakim. - More recent commentators are of the opinion that the names "Perizi" and "Perazi" are identical, and that the Bible has included under the name "Perizzites" all stocks dwelling in unwalled towns.
Para komentator di kemudian hari berpendapat bahwa nama "Perizi" dan "Perazi" adalah identik, dan bahwa Alkitab telah memasukkan ke dalam istilah "orang Feris" ("Perizzites") semua orang yang berdiam dalam kota-kota tidak bertembok. - And thereupon the Lord Rhes came to the Kinge, and the Kinge received him to his peace, and confirmed him all that he had and therefore Rhes paid the Kinge 300 horses and 4000 oxen, and gave him 14 pledges.
Maka majulah suku Yehuda, lalu TUHAN menyerahkan orang Kanaan dan orang Feris ke dalam tangan mereka, dan mereka memukul kalah orang-orang itu dekat Bezek, sepuluh ribu orang banyaknya.