kekacauan bahasa Inggris
- chaos
- disarray
- disorder
- scrimmage
- turmoil
- confusion
- disorganization
- disorganization, (also disorganisation british)
- disruption
- mayhem
- mess-up
- mix-up
- bedlam
- topsy-turvydom
- excitement
- tizzy
- disorganisation
- disorderliness
- disturbance
- shock
- flap
- upset
- ado
- hoo-ha
- tempestuousness
- disarrangement
- swither
- hurly burly
- ruckus
- flurry
- ferment
- tumult
- perturbation
- rumpus
- balefulness
- unrest
- hustle
- stew
- discombobulation
- fermentation
- upheaval
- mental confusion
- dither
- flutter
- shambles
- convulsion
- distress
- discord
- fret
- fuss
- ruction
- turbulence
- public violence
- hoo-hah
- lather
- rioting
- strife
- stir
- maze
- pother
- commotion
- tangle
- hassle
- muddiness
- mischief
- trouble
- confusedness
- din
- snarl
- riot
- problem
- to-do
- bustle
- sturm und drang
- topsy-turvyness
- seismic disturbance
- perplexity
- kerfuffle
- pandemonium
- agitation
- bother
- hullabaloo
- war
- sweat
- maleficence
- kekacauan (radar): clutter (radar)
- kekacauan kepribadian: personality disorder
- masa kekacauan: time of troubles
- Baca juga: Berikutnya>
- We gotta kill them because they're making a mess.
Kami harus membunuhnya karena mereka membuat kekacauan. - It takes us from Point A to chaos.
Ini membawa kita dari titik A ke kekacauan. - It's the randomness, the disorder, the chaoticness of some systems.
Ketidakteraturan, kekacauan, kesemrawutan dari beberapa sistem. - In a way, it's the opposite of chaos.
Di satu sisi, itu adalah kebalikan dari kekacauan. - After all, they got us into this mess.
setelah itu, mereka membawa kita dalam kekacauan ini.