kerusuhan bahasa Inggris
- commotion
- disturbance
- turbulence
- turmoil
- unrest
- unruliness
- riot
- riots
- aggro
- disorder
- riotousness
- trouble
- gratuitousness
- disruption
- discord
- hullabaloo
- agitation
- flutter
- convulsion
- kerfuffle
- upheaval
- sturm und drang
- fermentation
- to-do
- strife
- disorderliness
- rioting
- hoo-hah
- excitement
- voluntarism
- tumult
- ferment
- fractiousness
- hurly burly
- tempestuousness
- hoo-ha
- kerusuhan aranjuez: tumult of aranjuez
- kerusuhan ferguson: ferguson unrest
- Baca juga: Berikutnya>
- but everything was set for the marriage.
Saat itulah terjadi "kerusuhan" di "Kyoto" dan dia "terbunuh". - That would explain why non-cyborgs were involved in the attack.
"Penyebab Manusia Biasa Juga Terlibat Kerusuhan"
Kata lain
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- "kerusuhan al-aqsa 1990" bahasa Inggris
- "kerusuhan albania 1997" bahasa Inggris
- "kerusuhan antar suku" bahasa Inggris