lebih-kurang bahasa Inggris
- kurang lebih: more or less; thereabouts; -ish; approx; approximate; approximately; give or take; just about; virtually; roughly; about
- kurang-lebih: about; perhaps; approximate
- lebih kurang: about; around; or so; gauge; approximate; just about; some; guess; rough; approximative; roughly; judge; estimate; approximately; close to; more or less
- Well, the conventional approach to post-conflict situations has rested on, on kind of, three principles.
Begini, pendekatan konvensional terhadap situasi pasca-konflik selama ini lebih-kurang bersandar pada tiga prinsip. - And, apart from the Mao period, that has remained more or less the case ever since.
Dan, terlepas dari periode Mao, yang telah menjadi lebih-kurang masalah sejak itu.