low-level bahasa Inggris
- fails on a low-level problem related to this file, a message is
dan gagal pada masalah low-level yang berkaitan dengan file ini, sebuah pesan akan - Most Kubernetes resources (e.g. pods, services, replication controllers, and others) are in some namespaces. However namespace resources are not themselves in a namespace. And low-level resources, such as nodes and persistentVolumes, are not in any namespace.
Kebanyakan resource di Kubernetes (contohnya pod, service, replication controller, dan yang lain) ada di dalam namespace. Namun resource namespace sendiri tidak berada di dalam namespace. Dan low-level resource seperti node dan persistentVolume tidak berada di namespace manapun. - In this new exam, Cisco evacuated item particular components, ethernet low-level usefulness, and Cisco IOS switch points, among others. There is an expanded concentrate on data focus networking ideas, high-accessibility switching ideas, data focus stockpiling ideas, and Fiber Channel over Ethernet (FCoE).
Dalam ujian baru ini, Cisco mengevakuasi item komponen tertentu, ethernet low-level usefulness, dan Cisco IOS switch point, antara lain. Ada konsentrat yang diperluas pada ide jaringan fokus data, gagasan pengalihan aksesibilitas tinggi, gagasan penumpukan fokus data, dan Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE).