maka bahasa Inggris
- accordingly
- sic
- whereupon
- with that
- and
- then
- therefore
- so
- that way
- that is why
- consequently
- like that
- and then
- and so
- do so
- maka adalah: it is therefore
- maka besok: so tomorrow
- maka jangan: then do not
- Baca juga: Berikutnya>
- If you're wired to paint, you paint.
Jika anda diharuskan untuk melukis, maka anda akan melukis. - So liberals speak for the weak and oppressed.
Maka liberal berbicara untuk kaum lemah dan tertindas. - So I saw that and it was very humbling.
Maka saya melihat itu dan merasa terharu. - And therefore, each component had to have a dual functionality.
Maka, setiap komponen harus dwi fungsi. - If it's yellow, it's 40 to 60 percent.
Jika kuning, maka sekitar 40 hingga 60 persen