malar bahasa Inggris
- constant quantity
- regular
- steady
- undifferentiated
- invariable
- perennial
- ceaseless
- continuous
- uninterrupted
- constant
- unremitting
- incessant
- uniform
- never-ending
- unceasing
- perpetual
- agihan malar: continuous distribution
- alihragam malar: continuous transformation
- malai malar: maalai malar
- Baca juga: Berikutnya>
- Maalai Malar (in Tamil).
Maalai Malar (dalam bahasa Tamil). - Manual stamping operation, self-locking mechanism Pressing constant pressure;
Operasi stamping manual, mekanisme mengunci diri Menekan tekanan malar; - Some continuous deformations are not homeomorphisms, such as the deformation of a line into a point.
Beberapa deformasi malar bukanlah sebuah homeomorfisme, misalnya pengkerutan garis menjadi titik. - Some homeomorphisms are not continuous deformations, such as the homeomorphism between a trefoil knot and a circle.
Beberapa homeomorfisme bukanlah deformasi malar, misalkan homeomorfisme antara simpul trefoil dan lingkaran. - White spruce trees (Picea glauca) are evergreen trees that are native to North America.
pokok spruce White (Picea glauca) adalah pokok malar hijau yang berasal dari Amerika Utara.
Kata lain
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