megah bahasa Inggris
- grandiose
- kitsch
- magnificient
- grand
- swanky
- self-conceited
- egotistical
- noble
- conceited
- imposing
- vain
- proud
- stately
- baronial
- gallant
- swollen-headed
- swollen
- egotistic
- glory
- luxurious
- majestic
- glorious
- lofty
- bermegah-megah: shoot a line; tout; blow; boast; vaunt; swank; flaunt; flash; trumpet; bluster; gas; ostentate; brag; swash; gloat; gasconade; show off
- dengan megah: regally; in style; queenly; royalty
- megah diri: vanity
- Baca juga: Berikutnya>
- Nothin' could be grander than to be in Louisiana
Nothin 'bisa megah daripada berada di Louisiana - Although after meeting the pretentious source of the chip,
Meskipun setelah pertemuan sumber megah dari chip, - It looks like the set of goddamn Sanford and Son.
itu seperti sebuah istana yg megah. - 'Light' and 'mountain', shining and majestic.
bersinar dan megah. ... lembut dan manis seperti jeli almond. - The Nonomiyas had the most expensive home of the lot.
Keluarga Nonomiya memiliki rumah paling megah.