memisalkan bahasa Inggris
- take example by
- taken example by
- taking example by
- took example by
- make up
- imagine
- presume
- play
- say
- interpret
- hypothesise
- present
- represent
- reckon
- speculate
- hypothesize
- guess
- correspond
- exemplify
- theorise
- defend
- symbolise
- typify
- stand for
- lay out
- symbolize
- map
- take for granted
- stage
- comprise
- conjecture
- hypothecate
- suppose
- act
- opine
- assume
- think
- be
- constitute
- presuppose
- theorize
- What are you looking at?
Kamu tidak memisalkan di tengok ini! Dialog perbahalan! - We will also suppose that the number of states of mind which need be taken into account is finite
Kita juga memisalkan bahwa jumlah keadaan pikiran yang diperlukan disini adalah terbatas - Considering only the energy spent to move the means of transport, and using the example of the urban area of Lisbon, electric trains seem to be on average 20 times more efficient than automobiles for transportation of passengers, if we consider energy spent per passenger-distance with similar occupation ratios.
Misalkan hanya ada energi yang dihabiskan untuk menggerakkan alat transportasi, dan menggunakan contoh daerah perkotaan Lisboa, kereta listrik diketahui 20 kali lebih efisien daripada mobil untuk transportasi penumpang, jika kita hanya memisalkan energi yang dihabiskan per penumpang-jarak dengan perbandingan okupansi serupa.