menceramahkan bahasa Inggris
- I got accused in a few blogs that I was actually sent by the Pope to preach the Trinity and Catholicism in the Middle East, so you -- you believe who you want. I gave you my version of the story.
Saya dituduh di beberapa blog bahwa saya dikirim oleh Paus untuk menceramahkan tentang Triniti dan Katolik di Timur Tengah, jadi Anda -- silakan pilih mana yang Anda percaya -- saya memberikan Anda cerita versi saya. - The sooner we reach a unanimous consensus, which I expect we will, I will be spared the tedious duty of slogging through dry and dusty arguments, and you will bypass the section of the course in which students have traditionally received their lowest grades of the semester.
Semakin cepat kita mencapai kesepakatan, seperti harapkanku, aku akan terhindar dari tugas membosankan, menceramahkan sesuatu yang tak berguna dan kalian akan lewati kursus bagi mahasiswa, dengan nilai terendah di akhir semester.