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- I'll circle around to the left. You circle ar-- You circle arou--
Aku mengitar ke kiri, kalian ke... kalian ke - Then you go straight through.
Ya. Lurus saja, lalu mengitar - LINA 135 Water Pull Line Extrusion Pelletizer for Recycling Plastic Flakes
LINA 135 Air Pull Jalur Penyemperitan Pelletizer untuk Mengitar semula Flake Plastik - He was so rusty, when he drove down the street buzzards used to circle the car!
Dia berkarat sekali, saat dia berada dijalanan - Burung bangkai saja sering mengitar diatasnya! - Home › Blog › Blogging Tips › [Infographic] 7 Easy Ways to Recycle Your Blogposts
Rumah > Blog > Tips Blogging > [Infographic] 7 Cara Mudah Mengitar semula Blogpost Anda