rewel bahasa Inggris
- choosy
- finicky
- fret
- fretting
- fussy
- tendentious
- cantankerous
- difficult
- fastidiously
- fretful
- particular
- exacting
- finical
- picky
- hard to please
- fastidious
- banyak rewel: nitpicking
- bersikap rewel -: carry a chip on shoulder
- orang rewel: faultfinder; nuisance; cynic
- Baca juga: Berikutnya>
- I'm gonna let you go now.
Dan Mereka sangat rewel. Saya akan melepaskanmu pergi sekarang. oke? - Dean, you're just gonna make it cranky again.
Dean, kau hanya akan membuatnya rewel lagi. Shh! - If we're gonna nitpick here, then technically no.
Jika kita banyak rewel, secara teknis tidak bisa. - My baby has colic and was fussing all night.
Anakku sakit perut dan rewel sepanjang malam. - You promised there would be no more fussing.
Kau berjanji ada akan ada lebih rewel.