terhambur bahasa Inggris
- agihan sudut bunyi terhambur: angular distribution of scattered sound
- elektron terhambur balik: back scattered electron
- If you jump off a building, your guts will all burst open, and the pizza will spray in all directions
Kalau kamu lompat dari gedung itu, Badanmu akan hancur berserakan, Dan pizza kau makan terhambur kemana-mana. Percuma kan? - Most rings were thought to be unstable and to dissipate over the course of tens or hundreds of millions of years, but it now appears that Saturn's rings might be quite old, dating to the early days of the Solar System.
Kebanyakan cincin diperkirakan tidak stabil dan hilang terhambur dalam hitungan ratusan juta tahun, namun tampaknya cincin-cincn Saturnus mungkin cukup tua, berasal dari masa permulaan Tata Surya.