terpesona bahasa Inggris
- be carried away
- carried away with
- wonder-stricken
- awestruck
- fascination
- rapt
- awed
- enamour
- spellbind
- captivate
- hypnotised
- mesmerise
- mesmerised
- becharm
- awestricken
- enchant
- charm
- fascinate
- spellbound
- enamor
- intrigue
- bewitch
- trance
- beguile
- catch
- mesmerize
- entrance
- fascinated
- spell-bound
- hypnotized
- mesmerized
- hypnotize
- hypnotise
- transfixed
- capture
- rasa terpesona: rapture
- membayangkan rasa terpesona: rapturous; on top of the world; rhapsodic; rhapsodical
- Baca juga: Berikutnya>
- I was not only charmed, I was very moved.
Saya tidak hanya terpesona, saya sangat terharu. - It's my first time in an enchanted castle.
Ini pertama kalinya saya di sebuah kastil terpesona. - You seemed to be mesmerized by this tin lighter.
Anda tampaknya terpesona timah ini lebih ringan. - 'Cause I think we should just sit in rapture.
Karena kupikir kita harusnya duduk dengan terpesona. - You seem to have cast a spell on her, Don. SCRATCH
Kau tampaknya terpesona dengannya, Don.