trifyloi bahasa Inggris
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- The name Triphylia, literally emerged from the fact of the establishment of three different tribes in the area.
Nama Trifyloi, secara harfiah muncul dari fakta pembentukan tiga suku yang berbeda di daerah tersebut. - They were residents of the western Peloponnese region, which in Homeric times was called Pylos and later Triphylia.
Mereka adalah penduduk wilayah Peloponnesos barat, yang pada zaman Homer disebut Pylos dan kemudian Trifyloi. - In the years 220–217 BC, Trifylia was conquered by the king Philip V and came under the influence of Macedonia.
Pada tahun 220-217 SM, Trifyloi ditaklukkan oleh raja Fílippos V dan berada di bawah pengaruh Makedonia. - Triphylians remained enslaved under the sovereignty of Eleans throughout the Peloponnesian war, excluding a short period during which they managed to recover their autonomy.
Orang-orang Trifyloi tetap diperbudak di bawah kedaulatan orang-orang Elis selama perang Peloponnesos, tidak termasuk periode singkat di mana mereka berhasil memulihkan otonomi mereka. - In 366 BC Triphylians fell agauin to the jurisdiction of Elis, until the establishment of the Achaean League, when they gain their independence as part of the confederation’s members.
Pada 366 SM, Trifyloi jatuh ke yurisdiksi Elis, sampai pembentukan Liga Akhaia, ketika mereka memperoleh kemerdekaan mereka sebagai bagian dari anggota konfederasi.
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