wail bahasa Inggris
- Prison band was there and they began to wail
Prison band was there and they began to wail - Woe to the heel bones (save them) from the Hellfire!
Neraka wail bagi tumit-tumit (yang tidak terkena air wudu). - Low Failure PP Woven Bag Production Line , Pp Woven Sack Making Machine SBYZ-2500x10
Lini produksi PP Wail Bag Kegagalan rendah, Mesin Pembuat Karung Pp SBYZ-2500x10 - The permanent staff at the Council's headquarters consists of little more than a dozen people, including the President (currently Gianfranco Ravasi, the Secretary and the Under-Secretary.
Para pegawai tetap yang berkantor di kantor pusat dewan ini hanya terdiri atas sekitar selusin orang, termasuk sang presiden (saat ini Gianfranco Ravasi, sekretaris dan wail sekretarisnya. - When the Koraysh chieftains learned of the injustice, they called for a meeting in Abdullah Judan’s son house, and Al-As, Wail’s son was ordered to pay his debt to Zubaid.
Ketika Koraysh kepala suku belajar ketidakadilan, mereka menyerukan pertemuan di Judan rumah putra Abdullah, dan anak Al-As, Wail itu diperintahkan untuk membayar utang kepada Zubaid.