
contoh kalimat 100 metres

"100 metres" terjemahan Indonesia  


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  1. But listen, remember its range is only 100 metres.
    Tapi dengar, ingat jangkauan hanya 100 meter.
  2. I'll shoot him from a distance of 100 metres.
    Aku akan menembaknya dari jarak 100 meter.
  3. I don't know, like, 50 or 100 metres?
    Entahlah, mungkin, sekitar 50 atau 100 meter?
  4. 100 metres and closing at walking speed.
    100 meter dan mendekat dengan kecepatan berjalan kaki.
  5. The distance between try-lines is always 100 metres.
    Jarak antara kedua sisi garis gawang adalah 100 yard.

Kata lain

  1. contoh kalimat "100 metres"
  2. contoh kalimat "metres"
  3. contoh kalimat "100"
  4. contoh kalimat "the 100"
  5. contoh kalimat "1500 metres"
  6. contoh kalimat "200 metres"
  7. contoh kalimat "400 metres"
  8. contoh kalimat "5000 metres"
  9. contoh kalimat "800 metres"
  10. contoh kalimat "cubic metres"
  11. contoh kalimat "square metres"
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