
contoh kalimat 10199 chariklo

"10199 chariklo" terjemahan Indonesia  "10199 chariklo" terjemahan Cina  


  1. The largest known centaur, 10199 Chariklo, has a diameter of about 250 km.
    Centaur terbesar yang diketahui adalah, 10199 Chariklo, berdiameter 250 km.
  2. But despite many careful searches, no rings had been found around smaller objects in the Solar System — until now. Observations of an asteroid called 10199 Chariklo have shown that this object is surrounded by two fine rings.
    Namun, meskipun sudah dicari dengan seksama, belum pernah ada cincin ditemukan di objek yang lebih kecil. Sekarang sudah ditemukan! Pengamatan terhadap asteroid bernama 10119 Chariklo menunjukkan bahwa objek ini dikelilingi oleh dua cincin.

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  1. contoh kalimat "10199 chariklo"
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