
contoh kalimat 1910s

"1910s" terjemahan Indonesia  


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  1. Tio wrote his earliest fiction in the 1910s.
    Tio menulis karya fiksi pertamanya pada tahun 1910-an.
  2. In Adana, the football game was played during the 1910s.
    Di Adana, pertandingan sepak bola telah dimainkan sejak 1910an.
  3. Now, before sliced bread was invented in the 1910s I wonder what they said?
    Sebelum roti potong ditemukan pada tahun 1910an saya penasaran apa pendapat mereka?
  4. In the late 1910s he went to Berlin and began appearing in silent films.
    Pada akhir 1910-an ia pergi ke Berlin dan mulai muncul dalam film bisu.
  5. In the 1910s, he started becoming involved in anarchist and anti-war activism around Milan.
    Pada tahun 1910an, ia mulai terlibat dalam aktivisme anarkis dan antiperang di sekitar Milan.

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  1. contoh kalimat "1910s"
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