
contoh kalimat 2 korintus

"2 korintus" terjemahan Inggris  


  1. Studies on 2 Corinthians.
    Memuat Surat 2 Korintus.
  2. He served as Professor of Divinity at the University of Durham and wrote commentaries on the Acts of the Apostles, John, Romans, 1 Corinthians and 2 Corinthians.
    Ia menjabat sebagai Profesor Teologi di Universitas Durham dan menulis komentari mengenai Kisah Para Rasul, Injil Yohanes, Surat Roma, 1 Korintus dan 2 Korintus.
  3. Bodmer XLII — 2 Corinthians; dialect unknown; Wolf-Peter Funk suggest Sahidic; The Bohairic (dialect of Lower Egypt) translation was made a little later, as the Greek language was more influential in lower (northern) Egypt.
    Bodmer XLII — Surat 2 Korintus; dialek tak dikenal; Wolf-Peter Funk berpendapat Sahidik; "Bohairik" adalah dialek dari Mesir Hilir (utara).
  4. Romans First Corinthians Second Corinthians Galatians Philippians First Thessalonians Philemon These seven letters are quoted or mentioned by the earliest of sources, and are included in every ancient canon, including that of Marcion (c.140).
    Surat Roma Surat 1 Korintus Surat 2 Korintus Surat Galatia Surat Filipi Surat 1 Tesalonika Surat Filemon Ketujuh surat tersebut dikutip dan disinggung oleh sumber-sumber paling awal, dan dimasukkan dalam setiap kanon kuno, termasuk oleh Marsion (~140).
  5. There is no record of scholarly doubt concerning authorship until the 19th century when, around 1840, German scholar Ferdinand Christian Baur accepted only four of the letters bearing Paul's name as genuine, which he called the Hauptebriefe (Romans, 1 & 2 Corinthians, and Galatians).
    Tidak ada catatan keraguan para pakar mengenai kepengarangannya sampai abad ke-19, yaitu sekitar 1840, pakar Jerman scholar Ferdinand Christian Baur (Tübingen School) hanya menerima empat surat bermuatan nama Paulus sebagai surat asli yang dinamakannya Hauptebriefe (Surat Roma, Surat 1 & 2 Korintus, dan Surat Galatia).

Kata lain

  1. contoh kalimat "2 korintus"
  2. contoh kalimat "surat 2 korintus"
  3. contoh kalimat "korintus"
  4. contoh kalimat "1 korintus"
  5. contoh kalimat "i korintus"
  6. contoh kalimat "ordo korintus"
  7. contoh kalimat "teluk korintus"
  8. contoh kalimat "terusan korintus"
  9. contoh kalimat "1 korintus 12"
  10. contoh kalimat "1 korintus 13"
  11. contoh kalimat "1 korintus 15"
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