
contoh kalimat 21st century fox

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  1. The formation of 21st Century Fox was officially finalized on June 28, 2013.
    Pembentukan 21st Century Fox diresmikan pada 28 Juni 2013.
  2. 21st Century Fox was formed by the splitting of entertainment and media properties from News Corporation.
    21st Century Fox dibentuk melalui pemisahan properti hiburan dan media News Corporation.
  3. Setanta operated Setanta Sports and Setanta Action until October 2013 when the channels were acquired by 21st Century Fox.
    Setanta mengoperasikan Setanta Sports dan Setanta Action sampai Oktober 2013 ketika saluran diakuisisi oleh 21st Century Fox.
  4. The series premiered on March 9, 2014, simultaneously in the United States across ten 21st Century Fox networks.
    Serial ini tayang perdana pada 9 Maret 2014 secara bersamaan di sepuluh jaringan 21st Century Fox di Amerika Serikat.
  5. The Walt Disney Company has acquired certain 21st Century Fox businesses. Read important updates under News below.
    The Walt Disney Company telah mengakuisisi bisnis tertentu 21st Century Fox. Baca pembaruan penting di bawah Berita di bawah ini.

Kata lain

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