
contoh kalimat abundantly

"abundantly" terjemahan Indonesia  


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  1. This is a point you've made abundantly clear.
    Ini poin yang kau buat amat sangat jelas.
  2. And what he did to you made that abundantly clear.
    Dan perbuatannya padamu sangat memperjelas semuanya itu.
  3. Let me make something abundantly clear. You have a responsibility
    Biar kuperjelas ini, Kau punya tanggung jawab..,..
  4. He's innocent of any wrongdoing, that's abundantly clear to me.
    Dia tak salah apa-apa. Sudah jelas bagiku.
  5. 'Cause I think I made it abundantly clear you don't have a choice.
    Restoran sushi yang layak?

Kata lain

  1. contoh kalimat "abundantly"
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