
contoh kalimat accuser

"accuser" terjemahan Indonesia  


    Lebih banyak contoh:   1  2  3  4  5

  1. I never said your accuser was a girl.
    Saya tak pernah katakan yang menuduhmu seorang gadis.
  2. Does he get the right to face his accuser?
    Apakah dia mendapatkan hak menghadapi penuduh-Nya?
  3. Yes, I believe I have the right to face my accuser directly.
    Ya. Kurasa aku berhak berhadapan langsung dengan penggugat?
  4. I hate to be the accuser here,
    Aku benci menuduh di sini
  5. The accusations were often supported only by the testimony of the accuser.
    Tuduhan tersebut seringkali hanya didukung oleh pengakuan penuduh.

Kata lain

  1. contoh kalimat "accuser"
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