
contoh kalimat aconcagua

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  1. To the south is the Norte Chico, extending to the Aconcagua river.
    Di selatan terdapat Norte Chico, yang menghampiri Sungai Akonkagua.
  2. 1 Aconcagua Argentina South America 6,962m Boris Krielen,
    6 Peak Razdelnya Kyrgyzstan Asia 6,149m Boris Krielen
  3. The new Airbus H145 climb the Aconcagua mountain, 6,962m a.l.s.
    Airbus H145 baru mendaki gunung Aconcagua, 6,962m juga
  4. Over the mighty Andes' past Aconcagua... highest mountain in the Western Hemisphere.
    Selama pegunungan Andes tinggi dari atas Aconcagua ... gunung tertinggi Belahan Bumi Selatan dan Amerika.
  5. Lucecita, for a night with you i would give a pile of gold as big as the Aconcagua
    Lucecita, walau hanya semalam denganmu aku rela memberi setumpuk emas setinggi Aconcagua

Kata lain

  1. contoh kalimat "aconcagua"
  2. contoh kalimat "aconcagua river"
  3. contoh kalimat "gunung aconcagua"
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