
contoh kalimat acquit

"acquit" terjemahan Indonesia  


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  1. And if it was self-defense, she'll be acquitted.
    Dan bila itu pembelaan diri, dia akan dibebaskan.
  2. He was acquitted because there were no witnesses.
    Tetapi Johnny dibebaskan karena tidak ada saksi mata.
  3. Four of the previous five were eventually acquitted.
    Empat dari 5 kota itu kemudian hancur total.
  4. Didn't she get that Wall Street guy acquitted of murder?
    Aku tidak mengerti pertanyaan itu.
  5. I've acquitted myself the best that I can.
    Saya telah dibebaskan diriku yang terbaik yang saya bisa.

Kata lain

  1. contoh kalimat "acquit"
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