
contoh kalimat adolf eichmann

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  1. The real Adolf Eichmann is asked to come forward.
    Adolf Eichmann yg asli diminta utk tampil ke depan.
  2. Adolf Eichmann, SS Gestapo, Office of Jewish Affairs, and that should be
    Adolf Eichmann, Gestapo SS, Kantor Urusan Yahudi, dan itu
  3. The figure most commonly used is the six million attributed to Adolf Eichmann, a senior SS official.
    Angka yang paling sering digunakan adalah enam juta, yang dikaitkan dengan kesaksian Adolf Eichmann di persidangan.
  4. He claimed that his superiors, Adolf Eichmann and Himmler, were in favor of exchanging Polish Jewish children for prisoners of war.
    Ia mengaku bahwa bosnya, Adolf Eichmann dan Himmler, mendukung penukaran anak-anak Yahudi dengan tawanan perang Jerman.
  5. These files were then handed over to Theodor Dannecker, head of the Gestapo in France, under the orders of Adolf Eichmann, head of the RSHA IV-D.
    File-file ini kemudian diserahkan kepada Theodor Dannecker, kepala Gestapo di Prancis, di bawah perintah Adolf Eichmann, kepala RSHA IV-D.

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