
contoh kalimat aeskhilus

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  1. In The Eumenides of Aeschylus (458 BC), the Areopagus is the site of the trial of Orestes for killing his mother (Clytemnestra) and her lover (Aegisthus).
    Dalam Eumenides karya Aeskhilus (tahun 458 SM), Areopagos adalah tempat pengadilan Orestes atas pembunuhan terhadap ibunya, (Klitemnestra), dan kekasih ibunya, (Aegisthus).
  2. There are references to her in various early Greek plays, such as Prometheus Bound by Aeschylus, Iphigenia at Aulis by Euripides, and Oedipus Rex by Sophocles.
    Dia diceritakan dalam beberapa drama pada masa kuno, msialnya dalam Rantai Prometheus karya Aeskhilus, Ifigenia di Aulis karya Euripides, dan Oedipus Rex oleh Sofokles.

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  1. contoh kalimat "aeskhilus"
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