
contoh kalimat aggressively

"aggressively" terjemahan Indonesia  


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  1. Everybody that's been infected certainly seems to act aggressively.
    Setiap orang yang terinfeksi tampak bertindak agresif.
  2. Our strategy is... we're aggressively pursuing a support system.
    Strategi kita adalah... kita akan mengejar sistem pendukung.
  3. He has aggressively sought to place his ideas--
    Dia sangat agresif mencari tempat untuk ide-idenya--
  4. He was pushing a new technology too aggressively.
    Dia memaksakan teknologi baru dengan terlalu agresif.
  5. Look, we are looking aggressively for this very specific tattoo.
    Dengar, kami mencari secara agresif setiap tato.

Kata lain

  1. contoh kalimat "aggressively"
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