
contoh kalimat agranulositosis

"agranulositosis" terjemahan Inggris  


  1. Agranulocytosis occurs rarely when dapsone is used alone but more frequently in combination regimens for malaria prophylaxis.
    Agranulositosis jarang terjadi jika dapson digunakan sendiri tetapi lebih sering pada regimen kombinasi untuk malaria profilaksis.
  2. Clinical observations of patients with diabetes treated with sulfa drugs, have shown the possibility of development in individual cases agranulocytosis, sometimes thrombocytopenia and anemia (Aarseth, Willumsen; Chapman,Cheung; Traissac ea).It must be emphasized that,
    pengamatan klinis pasien diabetes diobati dengan obat sulfa, telah menunjukkan kemungkinan perkembangan dalam kasus-kasus individual agranulositosis, kadang-kadang trombositopenia dan anemia (Aarseth, Willumsen; Chapman,Cheung; Traissac ea).Ini h
  3. The development of agranulocytosis is possible on the background of therapy. A similar pathology is accompanied by a rapid, unexplained increase in body temperature, chills, sore throats, problems with swallowing, the development of stomatitis, vaginitis, and proctitis.
    Perkembangan agranulositosis dimungkinkan dengan latar belakang terapi. Patologi yang sama disertai dengan peningkatan suhu tubuh yang cepat dan tidak dapat dijelaskan, menggigil, sakit tenggorokan, masalah menelan, perkembangan stomatitis, vaginitis, dan proktitis.
  4. Clozapine is an effective treatment for those who respond poorly to other drugs ("treatment-resistant" or "refractory" schizophrenia), but it has the potentially serious side effect of agranulocytosis (lowered white blood cell count) in less than 4% of people.
    Klozapin adalah pengobatan yang efektif bagi mereka yang tidak menunjukkan respon pengobatan yang baik terhadap obat lain, namun memiliki potensi efek samping berat yaitu agranulositosis (jumlah sel darah putih menurun) pada 1–4%.
  5. Antipyretic analgesics for fever, headache, joint pain, neuralgia, dysmenorrhea, and active rheumatism. Aminopyrine pyrazolone non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, has a strong antipyretic analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-rheumatic work. However, due to severe adverse reactions, such as agranulocytosis, aplastic anemia and so on.
    Analgesik antipiretik untuk demam, sakit kepala, nyeri sendi, neuralgia, dismenore, dan rematik aktif. Aminopyrine pyrazolone obat anti-inflamasi non-steroid, memiliki analgesik antipiretik kuat, anti-inflamasi dan anti-rematik bekerja. Namun, karena reaksi buruk yang parah, seperti agranulositosis, anemia aplastik dan sebagainya.

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  1. contoh kalimat "agranulositosis"
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