
contoh kalimat agrarian system

"agrarian system" terjemahan Indonesia  


  1. Agrarian reform can refer either, narrowly, to government-initiated or government-backed redistribution of agricultural land (see land reform) or, broadly, to an overall redirection of the agrarian system of the country, which often includes land reform measures.
    Secara sempit istilah tersebut merujuk pada distribusi ulang lahan pertanian atas prakarsa atau dukungan pemerintah (lihat reformasi pertanahan (land reform)); sedangkan secara luas istilah tersebut merujuk pada peralihan sistem agraria suatu negara secara keseluruhan, yang sering kali juga meliputi reformasi pertanahan.
  2. KPA purposes are to struggle for the actualization of fair agrarian system and guarantee the equity of agrarian sources allocation for all the people of Indonesia; ownership, tenure and management assurances of agrarian sources for the peasants, fisherfolk, laborers and indigenous peoples; also the welfare guarantee for poor peoples.
    KPA bertujuan untuk memperjuangkan terciptanya sistem agraria yang adil, dan menjamin pemerataan pengalokasian sumber-sumber agraria bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia; jaminan penguasaan, pemilikan dan pengelolaan sumber-sumber agraria bagi petani, nelayan, buruh dan masyarakat adat; serta jaminan kesejahteraan bagi rakyat miskin.

Kata lain

  1. contoh kalimat "agrarian system"
  2. contoh kalimat "agrarian"
  3. contoh kalimat "agrarian law"
  4. contoh kalimat "agrarian reform"
  5. contoh kalimat "agrarian socialism"
  6. contoh kalimat "agrarian society"
  7. contoh kalimat "such a system"
  8. contoh kalimat "system"
  9. contoh kalimat "abstract system"
  10. contoh kalimat "action system"
  11. contoh kalimat "activity system"
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