
contoh kalimat agrostology

"agrostology" terjemahan Indonesia  


  1. Agrostology (from Greek ?γρωστι?, agrōstis, "type of grass"; and -λογ?α, -logia), sometimes graminology, is the scientific study of the grasses (the family Poaceae, or Gramineae).
    Agrostologi (dari Bahasa Yunani Kuno ?γρωστι?, agrōstis, "macam-macam rumput"; dan -λογ?α, -logia), kadang-kadang juga disebut graminologi, adalah studi ilmiah mengenai rumput sejati (familia Poaceae).
  2. The grasslike species of the sedge family (Cyperaceae), the rush family (Juncaceae), and the bulrush or cattail family (Typhaceae) are often included with the true grasses in the category of graminoid, although strictly speaking these are not included within the study of agrostology.
    Spesies dari familia sedge (Cyperaceae), familia rush (Juncaceae), dan familia bulrush atau familia cattail (Typhaceae) seringkli juga termasuk rumput sejati dalam kategori graminoid, meskupun ada anggapan bahwa hal itu bukan termasuk cakupan agrostologi.

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  1. contoh kalimat "agrostology"
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