
contoh kalimat airbus group

"airbus group" terjemahan Indonesia  "airbus group" terjemahan Cina  


  1. On July 31, 2013, EADS announced a change of name to Airbus Group.
    Pada tanggal 31 Juli 2013, EADS mengumumkan perubahan nama menjadi Airbus Group.
  2. In late 2013, the parent company EADS effected the reorganization as the Airbus Group, with three divisions that include Airbus Defence & Space, Airbus, and Airbus Helicopters ending the Airbus Military corporate entity.
    Pada akhir 2013, perusahaan induk EADS melakukan reorganisasi sebagai Airbus Group, dengan tiga divisi yang mencakup Airbus Defence & Space, Airbus, dan Airbus Helicopters mengakhiri entitas korporat Airbus Military.
  3. Reportedly, many agents in the aviation industry have seen their payments halted and contracts terminated by the Airbus Group (“Airbus”) in circumstances where they have done nothing wrong. Many agents have thus reportedly commenced arbitration against the Airbus Group on the basis of breach of contract.
    kabarnya, banyak agen di industri penerbangan telah melihat pembayaran mereka dihentikan dan kontrak dihentikan oleh Grup Airbus (“Airbus”) dalam keadaan di mana mereka telah melakukan kesalahan apa pun. Banyak agen telah demikian dilaporkan memulai arbitrase terhadap Grup Airbus atas dasar pelanggaran kontrak.
  4. Reportedly, many agents in the aviation industry have seen their payments halted and contracts terminated by the Airbus Group (“Airbus”) in circumstances where they have done nothing wrong. Many agents have thus reportedly commenced arbitration against the Airbus Group on the basis of breach of contract.
    kabarnya, banyak agen di industri penerbangan telah melihat pembayaran mereka dihentikan dan kontrak dihentikan oleh Grup Airbus (“Airbus”) dalam keadaan di mana mereka telah melakukan kesalahan apa pun. Banyak agen telah demikian dilaporkan memulai arbitrase terhadap Grup Airbus atas dasar pelanggaran kontrak.

Kata lain

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