contoh kalimat ajou
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- Boryeong, a cradle of Ajou Motor College
106, Daehak Gil, Jupo-Myeon, Boryeing City, Chungcheongnam-Do, 335-769, Korea - Ajou University - Higher education abroad for international
Update Universitas - pendidikan tinggi di luar negeri untuk internasional - He graduated from Ajou University with a bachelor's degree in Business Administration.
Ia lulus dari Universitas Ajou dengan gelar sarjana di bidang Administrasi Bisnis. - Do you want discuss Ajou University ? Any question, comments or reviews
Apa kau mau Update diskus Universitas ? Ada pertanyaan, komentar atau ulasan - Please support the courage of and join forces for the Pleasant Innovations by Ajou people.
Harap mendukung keberanian dan bergabung untuk Inovasi Pleasant oleh orang-orang Ajou.