
contoh kalimat albán

"albán" terjemahan Indonesia  "albán" terjemahan Cina  


  1. The Mixtec also made major constructions at the ancient city of Monte Albán (which had originated as a Zapotec city before the Mixtec gained control of it).
    Mixtek juga membangun bangunan penting di kota kuno Monte Albán (yang aslinya merupakan kota Zapotec sebelum dikuasai oleh Mixtek).
  2. She found that "Tlatilco", "Cuicuilco", "Monte Albán" and "Cholula" populations followed an overall "Sundadont" dental pattern "characteristic of Southeast Asia" rather than a "Sinodont" dental pattern "characteristic of Northeast Asia".
    Ia menemukan bahwa orang "Tlatilco", "Cuicuilco", "Monte Albán" dan "Cholula" mengikuti pola gigi "Sundadont", karakteristik dari Asia Tenggara, daripada pola gigi "Sinodont", karakteristik dari timur laut Asia.

Kata lain

  1. contoh kalimat "albán"
  2. contoh kalimat "alb"
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  5. contoh kalimat "adrián campos"
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  8. contoh kalimat "arnoldo alemán"
  9. contoh kalimat "aztlán"
  10. contoh kalimat "birán"
  11. contoh kalimat "bodhrán"
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