contoh kalimat alcoholic drink
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- Cut back on any alcoholic drinks, tobacco, caffeine.
Juga jangan minum alkohol..,.. Rokok, kafein - "History of Traditional Korean Alcoholic Drinks".
(Inggris) History of Korean Alcohol - "Each of 7 million Russian alcoholics drinks 27 liters of alcohol a year".
Rata-rata seorang Prancis meminum 90 liter anggur per tahun. - Every country has a contextual alcoholic drink. In France it's Pernod.
Setiap negara memiliki minuman beralkohol yang tergantung konteks. Di Prancis itu Pernod. - Not valid for alcoholic drinks and cigarette purchases.
Tidak berlaku untuk minuman alkohol dan pembelian rokok.
Kata lain
- contoh kalimat "alcoholic drink"
- contoh kalimat "alcoholic"
- contoh kalimat "drink"
- contoh kalimat "drink in"
- contoh kalimat "drink of"
- contoh kalimat "drink to"
- contoh kalimat "in drink"
- contoh kalimat "the drink"
- contoh kalimat "alcoholic beverage"
- contoh kalimat "alcoholic substance"
- contoh kalimat "non-alcoholic"