
contoh kalimat andronikos komnenos

"andronikos komnenos" terjemahan Inggris  


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  1. Andronikos Komnenos murdered Emperor Alexios II in late 1183.
    Andronikos Komnenos membunuh Kaisar Alexius II pada akhir tahun 1183.
  2. Andronikos Komnenos (died 1142).
    Andronikos Komnenos (meninggal 1142).
  3. After hearing of the imprisonment of Andronikus Komnenos, Géza abandoned the siege and returned to Hungary.
    Setelah mendengar pemenjaraan Andronikos Komnenos, Géza meninggalkan pengepungan tersebut dan kembali ke Hongaria.
  4. In the same month, Andronikos Komnenos captured the Dowager Empress and had her murdered by the end of the year.
    Di bulan yang sama, Andronikos Komnenos menangkap janda permaisuri dan membunuhnya pada akhir tahun.
  5. Although Andronius Komnenus's plot was discovered and he was captured, Géza invaded the Byzantine Empire and laid siege to Braničevo in late 1154.
    Meskipun plot Andronikos Komnenos dipergoki dan ia ditangkap, Géza menyerbu Kekaisaran Bizantium dan mengepung Braničevo pada akhir tahun 1154.

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