contoh kalimat araç
Tim kami telah diberitahu bahwa terjemahan untuk "araç" tidak dapat ditemukan.
keuskupan araçuaí
On 1 February 1956 Pope Pius XII established the Diocese of Governador Valadares from the Diocese of Araçuaí, the Diocese of Caratinga a...

Mr. Ara, since you have become such a dedicated presence, Zara, sejak kamu selalu bersemangat hadir,; I've got to prepare for the Vidcon...

"'Gossip Girls' by T-ARA " (in Japanese). ((Perlu berlangganan (help)). ^ "'Gossip Girls' by T-ARA " (dalam bahasa Jepang). ; (バニスタ!, Ba...

alam ara
He produced Kalidas in Tamil on the sets of Alam Ara, with songs in Telugu. Ia memproduksi Kalidas dalam bahasa Tamil pada set-set Alam ...

ara damansara
Co-founder and Director of Oasis Dental Ara Damansara Pendiri dan Direktur Klinik Gigi Oasis Ara Damansara ; Fill in details to start te...

buah ara
It has nothing to do tart with figs. Ini tidak ada hubungannya getir dengan buah ara.; Dave, your pie with figs is a delight. Dave, Anda...

daun ara
Kind of like some fig leaf, you know. Seperti daun ara, kau tahu.; It's the final fig leaf. Itu adalah daun ara terakhir.; When you go b...

go ara
Go Ara as Chun Yeo-ji A female police detective who investigates crimes. Go Ara sebagai Yeo-ji Seorang detektif polisi wanita yang menye...

pohon ara
Everything is not as great as it seems? Omong-omong, bukankah begitu menyenangkan di bawah pohon ara itu?; Platanus occidentalis, or mor...

project ara
The Project Ara concept consisted of modules inserted into metal endoskeletal frames known as "endos". Ponsel Ara dibuat menggunakan mod...

t-ara n4
The unit's name, T-ara N4 (which stands for "T-ara Brand New 4") was revealed April 12, 2013. Nama unit tersebut adalah T-ara N4 (yang m...

yoo ara
Yoo Ara (born September 26, 1992) is a South Korean singer and actress. Yoo Ara (lahir 26 September 1992) adalah penyanyi dan aktris Kor...

ara general belgrano
ARA General Belgrano was an Argentine Navy light cruiser in service from 1951 until 1982. ARA General Belgrano adalah kapal penjelajah r...

ernesto araújo
Foreign Minister Ernesto Araújo confirmed Bolsonaro's willingness to authorize a US base in remarks to reporters in Lima on Friday durin...

santa maria in ara coeli
Secular buildings include a number of towers, the largest being the Torre delle Milizie and the Torre dei Conti, both next the Roman For...

stadio renato dall'ara
Stadio Renato Dall'Ara is a multi-purpose stadium in Bologna, Italy. Stadion Renato Dall'Ara adalah sebuah stadion serbaguna yang terlet...

stadion renato dall'ara
Stadio Renato Dall'Ara is a multi-purpose stadium in Bologna, Italy. Stadion Renato Dall'Ara adalah sebuah stadion serbaguna yang terle...

basilika santa maria in ara coeli
Secular buildings include a number of towers, the largest being the Torre delle Milizie and the Torre dei Conti, both next the Roman For...

fernando de araújo
In the April 2007 presidential election, the party's leader, Fernando de Araújo, took third place with 19.18% of the vote. Pada pemilu ...

Angota-anggota liga lainnya termasuk juga beberapa adipati Berry, Bourbon dan Bretagne, dan juga beberapa comte Alençon dan Clermont. 这个...

How do you pronounce it? ""? Bagaimana kau mengejanya? "Açaí"?; • Ice flat iron kit –infused with Açaí Berry • Perangkat besi pipih — ...

He initially bestowed it on Archbishop Hugh I of Besançon. Ia awalnya memberikannya kepada Uskup Hugh I dari Besançon.; Two years later...