contoh kalimat bodø
Tim kami telah diberitahu bahwa terjemahan untuk "bodø" tidak dapat ditemukan.
Is this your first time shooting for BOD? Apakah ini pertama kalinya Anda menembak untuk BOD?; Jess, man, who's your friend with the gor...

Horner composed the soundtrack having in mind Enya's style; Norwegian singer Sissel Kyrkjebø performed the wordless vocals on the soundt...

The main islands of the Kattegat are Samsø, Læsø and Anholt; the latter two are, due to their relatively dry climate, situated in what i...

Kami punya observatorium bagus di Tromsø. 不过你完全可以放心

Rute eropa E75, yang berakhir di Vardø, dimulai dari Sitia. 欧洲E40公路始於加来,终於此处。

Developed by Cyan Worlds, it was initially published by Red Orb Entertainment, a division of Brøderbund. Dikembangkan oleh Cyan Worlds,...