
contoh kalimat brandenburg gate

"brandenburg gate" terjemahan Indonesia  


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  1. In 1963, U.S. President John F. Kennedy visited the Brandenburg Gate.
    Tahun 1963, Presiden AS John F. Kennedy mengunjungi Gerbang Brandenburg.
  2. The focal point is the Brandenburg Gate, where midnight fireworks are centered.
    Titik utamanya adalah Gerbang Brandenburg, dimana kembang api tengah malam berpusat.
  3. (Mikhail Gorbachev); (3) Where did President Reagan say it? (the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin).
    (Mikhail Gorbachev); dan (3) Di mana Presiden Reagan mengatakannya?
  4. The bears were on display between June and November 2002, in a circle around the Brandenburg Gate.
    Beruang-beruang tersebut dipamerkan dari bulan Jun hingga November 2002, dalam bulatan di sekeliling Brandenburg Gate.
  5. The crossing began operating on 11 November 1989, earlier than the iconic Brandenburg Gate crossing which opened more than a month later.
    Perbatasan baru ini dibuka tanggal 11 November 1989, lebih cepat sebulan dibandingkan Gerbang Brandenburg yang ikonik.

Kata lain

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  10. contoh kalimat "gerbang brandenburg"
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