
contoh kalimat calcium carbonate

"calcium carbonate" terjemahan Indonesia  


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  1. The main framework material of coral reefs is calcium carbonate.
    Kerangka utama dari batu karang adalah kalsium karbonat.
  2. Other polymorphs of calcium carbonate are the minerals aragonite and vaterite.
    Polimorf lain adalah mineral aragonit dan vaterit.
  3. Coahuila was a calcium carbonate plant before they shut it down.
    Coahuila dulunya pabrik karbonasi kalsium sebelum itu ditutup.
  4. They secrete tubes of calcium carbonate.
    Rangka tubuh Calcarea tersusun dari kalsium karbonat.
  5. MATERIA PVC resin, calcium carbonate, some other ingredients
    MATERIA Resin PVC, kalsium karbonat, beberapa bahan lainnya

Kata lain

  1. contoh kalimat "calcium carbonate"
  2. contoh kalimat "carbonate"
  3. contoh kalimat "calcium"
  4. contoh kalimat "ammonium carbonate"
  5. contoh kalimat "barium carbonate"
  6. contoh kalimat "carbonate rock"
  7. contoh kalimat "hydrogen carbonate"
  8. contoh kalimat "lead carbonate"
  9. contoh kalimat "lithium carbonate"
  10. contoh kalimat "magnesium carbonate"
  11. contoh kalimat "potassium carbonate"
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