
contoh kalimat dekrit

"dekrit" terjemahan Inggris  


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  1. "By edict of our most illustrious Sovereign Alfonso
    "Dengan dekrit dari kita yang paling terkemuka Sovereign Alfonso
  2. They couldn't even agree on the Nicene Creed!
    Mereka bahkan tidak sependapat soal Dekrit Nicene!
  3. You must delivered the edict no matter what.
    Anda harus menyampaikan dekrit tidak peduli apa.
  4. Make sure that these decrees are taken care of immediately.
    Pastikan bahwa dekrit diambil dari perawatan segera.
  5. So in accordance with the Celestial Decree of Hamura,
    Jadi menurut Dekrit Samawi dari Hamura,

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  1. contoh kalimat "dekrit"
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