
contoh kalimat demonstrated

"demonstrated" terjemahan Indonesia  


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  1. Now, I've seen this demonstrated on a fish before
    Sekarang, aku memperlihatkan demonstrasi pada ikan sebelumnya
  2. The Z3 was demonstrated in 1998 to be, in principle, Turing-complete.
    Pada 1998 Z3 terbukti Turing-complete.
  3. That's demonstrated by the traces of blood in the garden.
    Itu ditunjukkan oleh jejak darah di kebun.
  4. Hey, things got tough, you didn't panic. You, my friend, demonstrated true bravery.
    menunjukkan keberanian yang sejati.
  5. But, as subsequent events have demonstrated, she was correct.
    Tapi, sebagai berikut kejadian telah menunjukkan, dia benar.

Kata lain

  1. contoh kalimat "demonstrated"
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