contoh kalimat erciş
Tim kami telah diberitahu bahwa terjemahan untuk "erciş" tidak dapat ditemukan.
Istana Dolmabahçe, kursi pemerintahan selama akhir periode Utsmaniyah, terletak di Beşiktaş, persis di utara Beyoğlu, di seberang Stadio...

Andrew held a general assembly and outlawed Borsa. András mengadakan sidang umum dan melarang Borşa.; The king also laid siege to Borsa...

by the way I checked and caransebes going very well, Resita and Oravita; dengan cara saya diperiksa dan Caransebeş akan sangat baik, Re...

Leo, whose original name was Konon, was born in Germanikeia in the Syrian province of Commagene (modern Kahramanmaraş in Turkey). Leo, ...

The Psalter of Șchei (Psaltirea Șcheiană) of 1482 and the Voroneț Codex (Codicele Voronețean) are religious texts that were written in M...

Seperti sesuatu yang tidak pernah dilihatnya. 它mUyormuş喜欢什么看到。

The Globurău mine is a large mine in the west of Romania in Caraş-Severin County, 29 km north of Orşova and 392 km west of the capital, ...

Media related to Djemal Pasha at Wikimedia Commons "Jemal, Ahmed". Media terkait Ahmet Cemal Paşa di Wikimedia Commons "Jemal, Ahmed".;...

After the union with Romania in 1918, the first mayor of the city was Lionel Blaga, the brother of the Romanian poet and philosopher Luc...

The tomb was "rediscovered" after the Fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Turks in 1453 by the dervish Sheikh Ak Shams al-Din, and Sul...

Jumlah penduduk Alaşehir pada tahun 1990 adalah 36,649. 1990年,阿拉谢希尔的人口为36,649人。

IAR began manufacturing the IAR 316 in 1971 at its plant near Brașov, Romania. IAR mulai memproduksi IAR 316 pada tahun 1971 di pabrikn...

Pusat adminitrasinya berada di Cimişlia. 它的总部位于塞维利亚。