contoh kalimat farø
Tim kami telah diberitahu bahwa terjemahan untuk "farø" tidak dapat ditemukan.
as far as
The sooner the better as far as I'm concerned. Lebih cepat lebih baik, menurut pendapat saya.; That's as far as my thinking takes me. ha...

by far
The largest mass of ice on the planet by far. Kumpulan es terbesar di planet ini.; Tourism is by far the largest industry in Killarney. ...

But you see, we haven't gone very far. Namun seperti Anda tahu, kita belum melangkah jauh.; Fortunately, I didn't have to look very far....

The present identification is located in a valley named Wadi Far'a in Arabic and Tirzah Valley or Nahal Tirza in Hebrew. Identifikasi sa...

this far
You oughta get out while you're this far ahead. Kau harus pergi selama kau sedang beruntung.; It took me a week to crawl this far. Tentu...

a far cry
It's a far cry from our metropolitan pleasures. Ini adalah jauh dari kesenangan metropolitan kami.; The Sensei is a far cry from some "n...

as far as possible
Please, keep the bathroom free as far as possible. Tolong, menjauh dari kamar mandi sejauh mungkin.; But, please. You have to get away a...

as far back as
Well, I only went as far back as 1942, Baihlah, aku hanya menyelidiki hingga tahun 1942,; Just lean as far back as you can, Owen. Bersan...

far afield
And we're beginning to hear of fallout as far afield as Bristol ...menyebar sampai ke Bristol; I think we've gotten a little far afield....

far and away
Far and away across the Narrow Sea to Braavos. Jalan yang Jauh melintasi Laut Sempit ke Braavos.; But you are far and away the best one....

far and near
I have led your armies to victories far and near. Aku telah memimpin tentaramu Untuk kemenangan besar maupun kecil; Radio frequency and ...

far and wide
Search high, search low Search far and wide. Cari di atas dan bawah, carilah yang jauh.; Spread the records far and wide, discourage inv...

far away
When the end does come, I shall be far away. Ketika akhirnya datang, Aku akan jauh.; The nursery's far away from the rest of the house. ...

far back
Well, I only went as far back as 1942, Baihlah, aku hanya menyelidiki hingga tahun 1942,; Just lean as far back as you can, Owen. Bersan...

far before
I've walked that far before in the snow. Aku sudah pernah berjalan sejauh itu di salju sebelumnya.; It still far before we reach the mai...

far better
No, it's far better that I end it now. Tidak. Ini jauh lebih baik sekarang.; Went this far, better have found him alive. Sudah sejauh in...

far between
In these early days, fish are few and far between. Pada hari-hari awal, ikan sedikit dan jauh antara.; Peace and calm may be few and far...

far cry
It's a far cry from our metropolitan pleasures. Ini adalah jauh dari kesenangan metropolitan kami.; The Sensei is a far cry from some "n...

far distance
Your heart aches when your dear ones go far distances, doesn't it? Hatimu terasa mati saat anak yang kau cintai jauh darimu, kan?; 12. F...

far easier
There are far easier pickings in the city. Ada sesuatu yang jauh lebih mudah di kota.; It's far easier to hate than to trust. Jauh lebih...

far east
You East coast, I Far East coast. Kalian dari pantai timur, aku dari pantai timur jauh.; The Far East, that's where the next battlegroun...

far end
Keep your eyes on the far end of the runway. Jaga pandangan jauh pada akhir lintasan.; Come on, try and reach the far end. Itu kecam! Ay...

far fetched
Since this is so far fetched it wasn't in any of the reference books. Bahkan dibukuku juga tak ada.; But that is too far fetched Tapi it...

far field
Digital microphone, 3-5 meters far field voice collection. Mikrofon digital, koleksi suara lapangan sejauh 3-5 meter.