contoh kalimat order of the southern cross
- Very esteemed by Emperor Pedro II, he was decorated with the Order of the Rose, the Order of Christ and the Order of the Southern Cross, and with the title of Baron of Araguaia in 1872, being elevated to Viscount two years later.
Sangat dikesankan oleh Kaisar Pedro II, ia diberi Ordo Mawar, Ordo Kristus dan Ordo Salib Selatan, dan dengan gelar Baron Araguaia pada 1872, dinaikkan menjadi Visconde dua tahun kemudian.
Kata lain
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- contoh kalimat "southern"
- contoh kalimat "at cross"
- contoh kalimat "cross"
- contoh kalimat "cross with"
- contoh kalimat "cross-"