contoh kalimat petroșani
Tim kami telah diberitahu bahwa terjemahan untuk "petroșani" tidak dapat ditemukan.
Around 1840 coal surface mining began in Petroșani, Vulcan and Petrila. Sekitar tahun 1840, penambangan batu bara mulai dilakukan di ko...

petro air
Petro Air is a charter airline based in Tripoli, Libya. Petro Air adalah maskapai penerbangan sewaan yang berbasis di Tripoli, Libya.

petro poroshenko
He was elected into parliament on the party lists of the pro-presidential Petro Poroshenko Bloc. Ia terpilih dalam parlemen pada daftar ...

petro shelest
Petro Shelest was born in a peasant Ukrainian family in a village near Kharkiv in 1908. Petro Shelest lahir dalam sebuah keluarga petani...

Also Royal Dutch Shell, Repsol YPF and Petro-Canada were mentioned as potential partners. Royal Dutch Shell, Repsol YPF, dan Petro-Canad...

It is widely known amongst the Serbian population for the Visoki Dečani monastery of the Serbian Orthodox Church. Dikenal luas untuk Bi...

Giv'at Shmuel was named for the Romanian Zionist leader Samuel Pineles, founder and president of the Zionist Congress in Focşani and Vic...

Bogdan expelled the descendants of Louis's vassal, Dragoș, from the principality. Bogdan mengusir keturunan vasal Lajos, Dragoș, dari k...

Drăgășani stands on the site of the Daco-Roman Rusidava. Drăgăşani berdiri di situs Dacia-Romawi Rusidava.; The Seat of local municipal...