
contoh kalimat rested

"rested" terjemahan Indonesia  


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  1. I feel so good and cool and rested.
    Aku merasa sangat baik dan dingin dan beristirahat.
  2. I rested, I exercised. Thank you very much, Betsy.
    Aku sudah istirahat, bersenang-senang, terimakasih banyak, Betsy.
  3. No, thanks to you we rested well.
    Tidak, terima kasih kepada Anda kami beristirahat dengan baik.
  4. The doctor was very specific about keeping you rested.
    Dokter sudah menjelaskan kalau kau harus istirahat.
  5. Fit and rested. Could you give us a moment, please, Robert?
    Kami butuh waktu sebentar, Robert.

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  1. contoh kalimat "rested"
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