
contoh kalimat retouching

"retouching" terjemahan Indonesia  


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  1. The company denied claims of retouching Pinto's picture.
    Perusahaan tersebut menyangkal klaim bahwa mereka memoles gambar Pinto.
  2. PhotoFiltre free image retouching program image editor PhotoFiltre
    Tagged foto, foto software, photo, photo editor.
  3. Portrait, Indoor Commercial Photography, Advanced Photo Retouching, & Consultation
    Studio Portrait, Foto Komersil Indoor, Retouch Foto Tingkat Lanjut, & Konsultasi
  4. There is also some artistic retouching to some illustrations (mostly Andromeda, Virgo and Aquarius).
    Juga engan sentuhan artistik untuk beberapa ilusrasi (kebanyakan Andromeda, Virgo, dan Akuarius).
  5. Pics and edit visuals, employing photograph retouching, airbrushing, protecting, or pixel editing.
    Pics dan mengedit visual, mempekerjakan foto retouching, airbrushing, melindungi, atau mengedit pixel.

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  1. contoh kalimat "retouching"
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