
contoh kalimat sahaja

"sahaja" terjemahan Inggris  "sahaja" terjemahan Cina  


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  1. Azumi is just like a little sister to me
    Azumi hanyaku anggap seperti adik kandungku sahaja
  2. They could be hidden anywhere, can't they?
    Mereka boleh tersembunyi di mana sahaja, tidak boleh mereka?
  3. Doesn't mean anything. This is the only open seat, so
    Ini sahaja tepat duduk terbuka, jadi
  4. Randy, this is not just a kids' video, okay?
    Randy ini bukan sahaja video untuk budak-budak,okey?
  5. Maybe she just started her profile or something.
    Mungkin dia baru sahaja mulakan profil atau sesuatu.

Kata lain

  1. contoh kalimat "sahaja"
  2. contoh kalimat "sahaja yoga"
  3. contoh kalimat "di mana-mana sahaja"
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